Reklāma sociālajos tīklos

Deniss Fedotovs (deni2s), 13.10.2010., 08:12

Manuprāt labs citāts par reklāmas efektivitāti sociālajos tīklos.

Advertising on traditional social networks was once thought to be the Holy Grail of online marketing because of the ability to target ads based on information that users volunteer in their online profiles. Infortunately, many marketers were disaponted to realize that people access social networks to interact with their friends and rarely interact with the advertising on the site. When advertising on traditional online social networks, it is widely agreed that your primary goal should be to acheive an increase in brand awareness, because click-thru and conversion rates are historically very low.

Cindy Crum, "Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are", 2010

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