Kas ir Framework, un kā to var izmantot mājaslapas dizainā
Deniss Fedotovs (deni2s), 13.06.2007., 00:09Alistapart.com 239. izlaidumā ir publicējuši Jeff Croft rakstu par to, kas ir Frameworks ar konkrēta piemēra aprakstu - kā var izveidot CSS Framework, un kā tas var paātrināt mājaslapas dizainera darbu.
What is a framework?
So that we’re all on the same page, let’s agree—at least for the duration of this article—on this definition of “framework”: a set of tools, libraries, conventions, and best practices that attempt to abstract routine tasks into generic modules that can be reused. The goal here is to allow the designer or developer to focus on tasks that are unique to a given project, rather than reinventing the wheel each time around. Generally speaking, this is the approach taken by the aforementioned JavaScript and web application frameworks.
What’s the real world benefit?
The real beauty of having a framework like this is getting off to a fast start. You can create a new (X)HMTL document, include your framework, and be off to the races with reset padding and margins, good typography, clean forms, a layout grid, working widgets, and more.
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