Best Internet 2009 septembrī
Best Marketing, 09.08.2009., 20:46Jau otro gadu pēc kārtas "Best Marketing" sadarbībā ar interneta mārketinga kompāniju "Progression" organizē internta mārketinga kongresu "Best Internet 2009", kas ir viens no gada nozīmīgākajiem interneta mārketinga notikumiem Latvijā.
Norises laiks: 2009. gada 16. - 17. septembris
Vieta: Rīga (tiks precizēts)
Organizē: Best Marketing
Atlaide, reģistrējoties līdz 17. augustam:
- Dalība abās dienās: 135 LVL
- Dalība vienā dienā: 69 LVL
Reģistrēšanās šeit.
Best Internet 2009 programma
1. diena - trešdiena, 16. septembris
10.00 – 10.30 Internet trends and developments: September 2009
Dmitry Sholomko, Google Reģionālais mārketinga vadītājs Baltijas valstīs un Ukrainā
Dmitry is responsible for managing Google relations in Ukraine and the Baltics, including product development, marketing initiatives, sales and business planning. He is working in this position since July 2007, prior to that he was a country consultant for Google in Ukraine. Before Google Dmitry managed own informational and consulting company UBL, which specializes in providing informational and consulting support for biggest Ukrainian IT and telecommunications companies. Earlier in his career, Dmitry was employed by publishing company Euromoney as country manager of its online division, Internet Securities, Inc, and worked on various local online projects. Dmitry holds a master's degree in IT Engineering from Kiev National Technical University.
10.30 – 11.30 Jaunākās radošuma tendences internetā
"Cannes Lions 2009 Cyber Lions kategorijas uzvarētāju pārskats un analīze.
Erkki Izarra, Cannes Lions 2009 žūrijas loceklis (Somija / Nīderlande)
Erkki Izarra hails from Espoo, Finland where he founded 358 with five partners in 2008. He started out as a snowboarding photographer and soon became a journalist. He stepped into advertising when Art Director Ale Lauraéus, now a Partner Founder of 358, suggested a career as his copywriter in 1998. He has won at most of the notable Finnish and international advertising awards shows, including Cannes Lions, but he also continues to try to shape what we understand as advertising.
Vairāk par Erkki lasi www.canneslions.com.
11.30 – 12.00 Kafijas pauze
12.00 – 13.00 Pecha KUCHA: Kas ir kas interneta mārketinga jomā Latvijā?
Šogad pirmo reizi konferencē tiks izmantots arī Pecha KUCHA prezentācijas formāts, kura pirmsākumi meklējami Japānā. Pecha Kucha paredz, ka katram lektoram tiek dotas tieši 6min un 40 sekundes laika prezentācijai. Tas ietver 20 slaidus - pietiekami, lai koncentrētos uz būtiskāko un negarlaikotu klausītājus.
Pecha Kucha savu dalību apstiprinājušas sekojošas kompānijas:
Mediju aģentūra Inspired Communciations
Mediju, tirgus un sociālo pētījumu aģentūra TNS Latvia
Web aģentūra Cube Media
Interneta reklāmas tīkls Adnet.lv
Radiostacija European Hit Radio
Informatīvais portāls TVnet.lv
13.00 – 14.00 Pusdienas
14.00 – 16.00 Veiksmīgs e-pasta mārketings
Matt King Media Safari (UK)
Matt King is Director & Co-Founder of the marketing communications consultancy Media Safari. He is also a course director at Chartered Institute of Marketing and EMEA region trainer of digital marketing for Microsoft.
Matt King's blog: www.mediasafari.typepad.com/mattking.
You will learn how to:
Plan integrated email campaigns
Devise creative and copy to increase open and click-through rates
Use tests and tracking metrics to improve response
Select email marketing management systems
Revise or devise an e-newsletter
Review the latest on ethical and legal constraints
Design an effective e-newsletter
Measure and improve email campaigns
16.00 -16.15 Kafijas pauze
16.15 – 17.30 Latvijas interneta balvas finālistu prezentācijas
17.30 Uzvarētāju nosaukšana
2. Diena - ceturtdiena, 17.septembris
Piedāvā interneta mārketinga kompānija Progression
WORKSHOP 1: Internet Measurability/ Accountability
10.00 – 11.00
Kā izvirzīt izmērāmus mērķus, lai sasniegtu rezultātu un nezaudētu fokusu uz mērķi. Ar ko viss ir jāsāk?
Ievads mērķu mēramībā; reālas uz mērķi orientētas stratēģijas sastāvdaļas, kas nosaka, kā izvirzīt izmērāmus mērķus un kā precīzāk sasaistīt rezultātus ar mērķiem; piemēri.
Andrejs Sergejevs, Interneta mārketinga kompānijas Progression vadītājs
11.00 – 11.15 Kafijas pauze
11.15 – 13.15
Steffen Ehrhardt, Google (Germany)
Using Analytics and other ROI related tools for successful internet campaigns/business strategies. Analytics basics including new features and other ad tools for successful internet campaigns like Insight for Search, Website Optimizer, AW Conversion Optimizer, etc.
Steffen Ehrhardt is 29 years old and is currently employed by Google Germany GmbH. His job title is Product Specialist & Project Manager Emerging Markets (Central-East-Europe, Middle East & Africa). Steffen has worked for Google since 2003. Before joining Google he has worked in the marketing teams of Avis Car Rental, Deutsche Lufthansa and PriceWaterhouse Coopers. He has graduated from the Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen and has a diploma in Business Administration.
14.00 – 16.00 Google AdWords workshop (Speaker by Google to be confirmed)
* Best Marketing patur tiesības veikt izmaiņas programmā.
web.hc.lv ir vortāls, kurā tiek aplūkoti mājaslapu veidošanas un mārketinga aspekti, no idejas līdz gandarījumam.