Google atbild uz jautājumiem
Deniss Fedotovs (deni2s), 30.10.2008., 13:26Zemāk ir atrodami daži 22.oktobrī mājaslapu veidotāju uzdotie jautājumi un Google atbildes, saistībā ar SEO.
Rick Rayn, Indiana: What weight does the age of a site and the amount of time a domain is registered for have on it's search placement?
Matt Cutts: In the majority of cases, it actually doesn't matter--we want to return the best information, not just the oldest information. Especially if you're a mom/pop site, we try to find ways to rank your site even if your site is newer or doesn't have many links. I think it is fair for Google to use that as a signal in some circumstances, and I try never to rule a signal out completely, but I wouldn't obsess about it.
Marjy, Boca Raton FL: Recently, you removed this suggestion: "Submit your site to relevant directories such as the Open Directory Project and Yahoo!" from your guidelines. Is there any chance that you will be discounting these kinds of links for ranking value in future?
Matt Cutts: Hey Marjy (testing out this 'post a response' thingie). There's always the chance that we'll discount directory links in the future. What we were seeing was quite a few novice people would see the "directory" recommendation and go out and just try to submit to a ton of directories, even if some of the directories were lower-quality or even fly-by-night directories that weren't great for users. Right now we haven't changed how we're weighting directory links--we've only removed the directory suggestion from the webmaster guidelines.
tewmonkey, cardiff,wales: Until recentley (the last six months or so) a high ranking was achievable by submitting articles to article directories (providing they were 40%-60% unique), it no longer seems to be the case. Have links from article sites been de-valued at all?
Matt Cutts: In my experience, not every article directory site is high-quality. Sometimes you see a ton of articles copied all over the place, and it's hard to even find original content on the site. The user experience for a lot of those article directory sites can be pretty bad too. So you'd see users landing on those sorts of pages have a bad experience.
If you're thinking of boosting your reputation and getting to be well-known, I might not start as the very first thing with an article directory. Sometimes it's nice to get to be known a little better before jumping in and submitting a ton of articles as the first thing.
TylerDee, TX: Are .gov and .edu back links still considered more "link juice" than the common back link?
Matt Cutts: This is a common misconception--you don't get any PageRank boost from having an .edu link or .gov link automatically. Hah John, I beat you to it! If you get an .edu link and no one is linking to that .edu page, you're not going to get any PageRank at all because that .edu page doesn't have any PageRank.
JohnMu: We generally treat all links the same - be it from .gov or .edu or .info sites.
Anonymous: Suppose my website supports English and French. Should the English version of a particular page and the French version have different URLs? Any other best practices for multi-lingual site architecture?
Matt Cutts: If you can afford it, I would do domain.com and domain.fr. If that's not possible, I would consider doing en.domain.com and fr.domain.com. If that's not possible, then domain.com/en and domain.com/fr can work. In webmaster tools, you can geographically target a site (and I believe parts of a site such as fr.domain.com), which will help as well.
chrisff, palo alto, ca: Is the bounce rate and speed taken into account when ranking a page? i.e. if you see a searcher click on a result then return very quickly and choose another result, is the first page ranked lower?
JohnMu: Hi chrisff, assuming that users will be jumping out of a site like that, there's a high probability that they won't be willing to recommend it to others (or come back themselves). So yes, indirectly at least, if a site is made in a way that users run away right away, then chances are that we might not be recommending it as much as other sites that users like (and recommend to others).
egarolera, barcelona: How will social media or more specifically share of comments (buzz about a brand) influence the serps?
Maile Ohye: Hi egarolera, social media is great! But, there are a few things to say about this... Social media can add buzz to your site, finding new visitors, people linking to you, etc. That's a bonus and the more users that enjoy your content, often the better your site will show in SERPs. We want results to reflect what users are searching for, so social buzz can certainly be helpful.
A few things to note:
- If you allow user-generated content on your site, remember to monitor for spam.
- Also, if you're looking to get buzz to directly help your site in SERPs, know that we normally don't crawl javascript, so if it's hosted in javascript you'll still get the user traffic from the buzz (which can eventualy lead better rankings), but the user comments themselves won't be indexed.
- If you want to get the user-generated content associated with your site (as part of your URLs), then make sure you host the user-generated content on your domain (so it's not link to a separate site).
Of course, newer domains can also gain users and credibility. It seems like running a good site is a bit like running a reputable business.
So yes, if your domain has been credible for years it can help. If you buy an old domain and put all your content on it in hopes of getting instant rankings, that's not the best idea.
Thanks for asking, good luck, Maile
ecurtin, London, England: How often does your search algorithm change?
JohnMu: We change the algorithms all the time - last year we had over 450 changes.
Anonymous: Is it still worthwhile to buy links from good quality, niche directories?
Wysz: Buying links which pass PageRank is not something that we recommend. Get the full story here.
Alex W, UK: Should I be using hyphens instead of underscores in my URLs to improve a page's rank?
Matt Cutts: For the time being, I would recommend still using hyphens instead of underscores. If you're already using underscores and that's working fine for you and your rankings, it's not worth switching. But if you're doing a new site, then I would go with hyphens.
Anonymous: I am a Web Standards fan. Is there really _no_ ranking benefit in use of Web Standards?
Kaspar aka Guglarz: I like clear code, too but I am afraid it does not help in terms of ranking directly. However, avoiding errors can help getting your site indexed by the bot on the one hand and it can also potentially increase the level of satisfaction for your users, if the sites are being rendered correctly :-)
big boy, Russia: If my website "A", linking to website "B", and "B" linking back to "A" - am I going to be penalized? Does linking strategies still work?
Jonathan: Participating in linking schemes to impact ranking is not advised it's against the webmaster guidelines.
The best linking strategy is to create a site with unique content or services that people want to link to. Then publicize it.
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